By Katy Kennedy
Vicarious precarious stresses
what is it that we cannot see?
We can’t control the suffering
there is pain, our helplessness
and our yearning to support
Maybe we don’t understand the resiliency of people
Fight or flight, leave or stay
people bringing to life
stories of ambiguous losses and courageous actions
Springing back into shape and recovery will take time
Rebuilding and reframing a new life
somewhere unknown is overwhelming
Important people loved
may never be part of the future
Healing stages will erase some trauma
but many emotional responses will last forever
Katy Kennedy, a native of Melrose, spent years living overseas. She served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Kenya and was awarded a Senior Fulbright Fellowship in Portugal. Her educational background in international relations and intercultural communication led her to specialize in mourning processes and PTSD in areas of conflict. She earned certifications in mediation and grief counseling when working in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Katy was inspired to write the poem, Blue and Yellow, while watching the evening news on St. Patrick’s Day about the war in Ukraine.
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